Network leadership consists of the following groups:

Executive Steering Committee (ESC)
International Coordinating Centers (ICCs)
Community Advisory Board (CAB)
Quality Oversight and Performance Evaluation Committee (QOPEC)
Interest Groups
Operations Steering Committee (OSC)
Protocol Teams
Network Laboratory (NL)
Coordinating and Research Operations Center (CORE)
Scientific Steering Committee (SSC)
Statistical and Data Management Center (SDMC)
Endpoint Review Committee (ERC)
International Coordinating Centers (ICCs)
An intrinsic component of the INSIGHT network leadership is the International Coordinating Center or ICC. Four International Coordinating Centers (ICCs) work with the INSIGHT CORE and SDMC to plan, organize and collect data in INSIGHT studies:
- The Copenhagen ICC based at the CHIP (Centre of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections) at Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The CHIP is also coordinating the large EuroSIDA and RESPOND observational cohort studies.
- The London ICC is based at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit in London, UK.
- The Sydney ICC is based at the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. The Kirby Institute carries out research on HIV treatments, ART toxicities, and preventive strategies.
- The Washington ICC is based at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center and is affiliated with George Washington University in Washington, DC, USA.