Researchbreadcrumb separatorStudiesbreadcrumb separatorD:A:Dbreadcrumb separatorPresentationsbreadcrumb separator2011
Presentations 2011

13th European AIDS Conference/EACS, Belgrade, October 2011


Non-AIDS defining malignancies (NADM) in the D:A:D study: Time trends and predictors of survival. S Worm for the D:A:D study group. presentation

13th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-morbidities in HIV Rome, July 2011


Development of a definition for Rapid Progression (RP) of renal disease in HIV-positive persons. L Ryom, DA Kamara, SW Worm, MJ Ross, P Reiss, CA Fux, P Morlat, O Moranne, O Kirk, C Smith and JD Lundgren for the D:A:D study group. presentation