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Presentations 2005

10th European AIDS Conference/EACS, Dublin, November 2005


1 Comparison of resistance profiles between patients starting nevirapine and efavirenz in EuroSIDA.
W Bannister, L Ruiz, B Ledergerber, A Cozzi-Lepri, O Kirk, S Staszewski,
C Loveday, B Clotet, A Phillips, J Lundgren for the EuroSIDA study group.

Poster PE17.5/2

2 Evolution of drug resistance in HIV infected patients remaining o­n a virologically failing cART regimen. A Cozzi-Lepri, AN Phillips, L Ruiz, B Clotet, C Loveday, J Kjaer,
N Clumeck, L Viksna, F Antunes, L Machala and JD Lundgren.

Poster PE17.4/2

Oral presentations

1 Use of antimycotic therapy is an independent risk factor for HIV-disease progression among patients with a CD4 count above 200/µL in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy .
D Podlekareva, A Mocroft, P Reiss, P Aldins, C Katlama, B Ledergerber, HJ Stellbrink, AD Monforte, O Kirk, JD Lundgren

Abstract PS 2/1

2 Is there an association between the endpoints in trials of virological efficacy and clinical long-term prognosis? O Kirk, A Mocroft, P Reiss, B Ledergerber, B Knysz, G Fätkenheuer, S Chaplinskas, JM Gatell, A Phillips, JD Lundgren for the EuroSIDA Study Group

Abstract PS 3/4

3 Clinical progression according to HIV drug resistance accumulated o­n antiretroviral therapy in EuroSIDA. A Cozzi-Lepri, A Phillips, A Mocroft, O Kirk, L Ruiz and JD Lundgren.

Abstract PS 6/4

4 Is there evidence for an increase in the death rate from liver-related diseade in patients with HIV? The EuroSIDA study. JD Lundgren, A Mocroft, V Soriano, J ROchstroh, P Reiss, O Kirk, S de Wit, JM Gatell, B Clotet, A Phillips

Abstract PS 7/2

12th Conference o­n Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, February 2005

1 Risk of AIDS and death at given HIV-RNA and CD4 count level, according to specific antiretroviral drugs in the CART regimen. C Holkmann-Olsen, J Gatell, B Ledergerber, C Katlama, N Friis-Møller, J Weber, A Horban, S Staszewski, J Lundgren, A Phillips, and EuroSIDA 

Poster #601(78 KB)

2 HIV-1 subtypes and virological response to HAART in Europe. W Bannister, L Ruiz, C Loveday, S Vella, K Zilmer, D Podlekareva, B Knysz, A Phillips, J Lundgren, A Mocroft and the EuroSIDA study group 

Poster #598(157 KB)

3 Thymidine analogue mutation profiles: factors associated with acquiring specific profiles and their impact o­n virological response to therapy. A Cozzi-Lepri, L Ruiz, C Loveday, A Phillips, B Clotet, P Reiss, J Lundgren, and EuroSIDA Study Group

 Poster #708(113 KB)

4 A Comparison of Risk of Treatment Limiting Adverse Events in HCV-co-infected vs Non-co-infected persons with HIV in EuroSIDA. JD Lundgren, J Rockstroh, V Soriano, B Ledergerber, O Kirk, E Vinogradova, P Reiss, C Katlama, A Blaxhult, A Mocroft, and EuroSIDA Study Group 

Poster #946(137 KB)