Researchbreadcrumb separatorStudiesbreadcrumb separatorD:A:Dbreadcrumb separatorPresentationsbreadcrumb separator2001
Presentations 2001

The Australian ASHM Conference, Melbourne 2001

1 Cardiovascular risk in HIV patients - association with antiretroviral therapy. The DAD Study.
M Law, N Friis-Møller, P Reiss, O Kirk, A d'Arminio Monforte, M Rickenbach, R Thiebaut, C Pradier, L Morfeldt, G Calvo, G Bartsch, S De Wit, AN Philips, JD Lundgren for the DAD Study Group

8th European conference o­n clinical aspects and treatment of HIV-Infection, Athens 2001

1 Cardiovascular risk-factors in HIV patients - association with antiretroviral therapy. The DAD Study. N Friis-Møller, P Reiss, O Kirk, A D'Arminio Monforte, M Rickenbach, R Thiebaut, C Pradier, L Morfeldt, G Calvo, M Law, G Bartsch, S De Witt, AN Phillips, JD Lundgren for the DAD Study Group.
(DAD 408)

The 41st ICAAC, Chicago 2001

1 The DAD study: Data collection o­n adverse events of anti-HIV drugs. The DAD Study group
(DAD Oral pres. ses. 6)

2 Risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD) associated with antiretroviral therapy (ART). R Weber, N Friis-Møller, F Dabis, P Reiss, A D´Arminio Monforte, G Calvo, C Pradier, L Morfeldt, M Law, A Phillips, JD Lundgren.
(DAD abstract I-1326)