Researchbreadcrumb separatorStudiesbreadcrumb separatorEuroSIDAbreadcrumb separatorPresentationsbreadcrumb separator2002
Presentations 2002

9th CROI February 2002, Seattle

1. Interruption/Stopping Antiretroviral Therapy and the Risk of Clinical Diseases: Results from the EuroSIDA Study. JD Lundgren, S Vella, L Paddam, A Blaxhult, N Vetter, N Clumeck, G Panos, M Fisher, C Katlama, and AN Phillips.
(EuroSIDA 48)

2. Safe Interruption of Maintenance Therapy (MT) against Prior Infection with 4 Common HIV-Associated Opportunistic Pathogens during Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. O Kirk, P Reiss, C Uberti-Foppa, M Bickel, J Gerstoft, C Pradier, F Wit, B Ledergerber, JD Lundgren, and H Furrer for 7 European HIV cohorts.
(EuroSIDA 37)

3. Analysis of Virological Efficacy in Randomised Trials of Antiretroviral Regimens: Drawbacks of No HIV-RNA Measurements after Premature Interruption of Therapy. O Kirk, M Law, C Pedersen. RM Gulick, G Moyle, AN Phillips, and JD Lundgren.
(EuroSIDA Abstract G104e, Poster 551-T)

British HIV Assoc. Conference, April 2002, Sevilla

1. Current status of patients starting HAART during 1996: descriptive analysis of EuroSIDA participants
L Paddam, O Kirk, JM Gatell, P Reiss, F Antunes, AM Johnson, A Horban, C Pradier, B Ledergerber, AN Phillips, and JD Lundgren o­n behalf of The EuroSIDA Study Group.

14th International AIDS Conference, 2002, Barcelona

1. Virological, immunological and clinical response to highly active antiretroviral therapy: the gender issue revisited.
AL Moore, O Kirk, JD Lundgren, AN Phillips. (EuroSIDA B10508)

6th International Congress o­n Drug Therapy in HIV-infections, November 2002, Glasgow

1. Virological rebound after suppression o­n HAART: result from the EuroSIDA study.
A Mocroft, A Phillips, P Reiss, B Clotet, B Ledergerber, J Gatell, C Katlama, S Vella, N Clumeck, JD Lundgren
(EuroSIDA PL5.4)

4th European Conference o­n the Methods and Results of Social and Behavioural Research o­n AIDS, September 2002, Vilnius.

1. The EuroSIDA Study 1994-2002. O Kirk, o­n behalf of the EuroSIDA study Group.