News Archive

Ny stilling - Klinisk projektkoordinator (Clinical Research Associate)

Vi leder efter en klinisk projektkoordinator (Clinical Research Associate) til et 1-årigt barselsvikariat hos Center of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections (CHIP) med opstart så hurtigt som muligt.
Læs mere og ansøg senest den 8. oktober 2024 her.


Vacant position: Senior Biostatistician to support clinical research studies in Infectious Diseases

We are looking for a full‐time biostatistician with strong epidemiological skills and an interest in infectious disease research to support on-going research studies at Centre of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections (CHIP), Rigshospitalet – University of Copenhagen.

Find out more and apply before 18th of August here.


Udbud om tjenesteydelser

CHIP søger hjælp til hjemmesideopdatering, oversættelser og eventkoordinering mv. Opgaver, krav, mv er beskrevet nærmere i udbudsmaterialet:

Tilbud må max må fylde 3 A-4 sider og skal indeholde en beskrivelse af tilbudsgivers tidligere erfaring med løsning af lignende opgaver, fleksibilitet og tilgængelighed i perioden, samt eventuelt opfyldelse af andre kriterier. Forventet timepris uden moms skal angives.  

Tilbud sendes per e-mail til Anne Raahauge ( senest den 26. juli 2024 kl. 09.59.


Medical Artificial Intelligence Toolbox (MAIT) seminar
Use of Machine Learning in Clinical Research

The seminar is organized by CHIP, Center of Excellence for Health Immunity and Infections

Date: Wednesday 28 August 2024, 13:00-17:00

Venue: Auditorium 2, Rigshospitalet

The purpose of the seminar is to understand MAIT as well as the pros and cons of MAIT to the existing know-how and other pipelines. Furthermore, examples of practical use in clinical practice will be presented and the potential future use and where we go next will be discussed by a review panel.

Tentative program

Further details on the seminar organisation, including a more detailed agenda, will be circulated to all participants closer to the seminar.
Kindly register here no later than 1 August 2024.
We look very much forward to seeing you there.

On behalf of CHIP, Centre of Excellence for Health Immunity and Infections

Maja Milojevic, PhD, Bioinformatician
Jens Lundgren, Director of CHIP Center leader PERSIMUNE


Vacant position: IT Solution Architect

We seek an IT Solutions Architect for our digital health applications, ensuring our applications not only meet today's healthcare challenges but also set new benchmarks for innovation and patient care.
Find out more and apply before 20th of May 2024 here.


Vacant position: Software Architect

We seek an IT Software Architect for our digital health applications, ensuring our applications not only meet today's healthcare challenges but also set new benchmarks for innovation and patient care.
Find out more and apply before the 20th of May here.


Request for Offer

We are looking for a Communications expert to develop a communications strategy and work plan for the WEEPI Foundation (CHIP is the scientific secretariat of WEEPI - The Western-Eastern European Partnership Initiative on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and TB).

The period of the consultancy is between June and November.

Please follow the link to find the Request for Offer.


PhD defence: Sara Bohnstedt Mørup

On Tuesday the 12th of March 2024, Sara Bohnstedt Mørup will defend her PhD thesis:

Human Genetic Variation causing Primary Immunodeficiencies and contributing to the Progression of Viral Infections..

Time: 12 Mar. 2024, 14:00-17:00
Place: Panum, 7.15.92. Blegdamsvej 3B, 2200 Copenhagen

Find out more here.


PhD defence: Kasper Sommerlund Moestrup

On Wednesday the 3rd of April 2024, Kasper Sommerlund Moestrup will defend his PhD thesis:

Learnings from a pandemic - Evaluation of Outcomes, Risk Factors and Digital Applications in COVID-19

Time: 3 Apr. 2024, 14:00-17:00
Place: Nielsine Nielsen auditoriet, Blegdamsvej 3B, DK-2200 København N

Find out more here.


Vacant position: Public Health specialist in infectious diseases

We are looking for a full-time public health specialist to join us at Centre of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections (CHIP) – as soon as possible for a 3-year project position.
Find out more and apply before the 25th of February here.


Ny stilling - Klinisk projektkoordinator

Har du erfaring med at koordinere kliniske forsøg?  
Vi leder efter en klinisk projektkoordinator (Clinical Research Associate) til en 2-årig fuldtidsstilling hos Center of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections (CHIP) med opstart så hurtigt som muligt. 
Læs mere og ansøg senest den 25. februar 2023 her.


Vacant position: PhD in Post-Transplant Infections

We are looking for a full-time PhD student for the programme ”Management of Post-Transplant Infections in Collaborating Hospitals”(MATCH. 
Find out more and apply before the 18th of February here.


Ny stilling - Studentermedhjælper

Vi søger en studentermedhjælper med en basal klinisk sygdomsforståelse (minimum have påbegyndt 4. semester).
Et basalt kendskab til data-management er en fordel.
Læs mere og ansøg senest den 12. februar 2024 her.


Are you our new SQL Developer?

We are currently looking for a SQL Developer for full-time position at Center of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infections (CHIP), starting as soon as possible.
Find out more and apply before November 30 here.


PhD defence: Olga Fursa

On Monday the 6th of November 2023, Olga Fursa will defend her PhD thesis:

The cascades of care and outcomes of hepatitis C and COVID-19 coinfections among people living with HIV across Europe: interacting epidemics.

Place: Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen Auditorium 2, Opgang 44.
Time:  6 November 2023, 14:00-17:00

Find out more here.

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