EuroSIDA study is a prospective observational cohort study following adult people living with HIV (PLHIV). The study aims to follow the long-term clinical prognosis for the general population of HIV-infected patients living in Europe and to assess the impact of antiretroviral drugs on these patients. Initiated in 1994, the EuroSIDA study marked its 25th anniversary in 2019 and continues to expand in multiple ways. Being an observational study, the type of data collected has diversified tremendously since the start, as advances in the medical management of HIV have allowed HIV-infected patients to foresee a good life prognosis.
The study includes data from 118 collaborating clinics across 39 countries covering all European regions, Israel and Argentina (see the EuroSIDA study group here). The EuroSIDA database holds data from more than 24 500 individuals contributing almost 200,000 person-years of follow-up, while EuroSIDA's unique plasma repository contains over 200 000 samples. Annual data collection include essential demographic characteristics, information on clinical events, details about antiretroviral therapy (ART), hepatitis C treatment and other medications, together with a range of laboratory values and plasma samples. Close to 338 EuroSIDA articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals (h-index 52), covering a range of scientific focus areas.
EuroSIDA was one of the cohorts to found The International Cohort Consortium of Infectious Disease (RESPOND) cohort consortium on infectious diseases in 2017. In addition, EuroSIDA has been an important partner in many collaborations, including the D:A:D study, ART-CC, COHERE and many more.
For more information about the EuroSIDA Study, please contact the Coordinating Centre at:
EuroSIDA countries and regions:

Map of current EuroSIDA clinics, countries and regions. Countries are grouped into the following regions: Western Europe (light blue), Southern Europe (red), Northern Europe (yellow), East Central Europe (green), Eastern Europe (dark blue).
For a full list of EuroSIDA sites and countries, please see the EuroSIDA study group